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Photo by Jessie Wright

Featured in Volume 1/Issue 11, November 17, 2022

News, information and a forum for discussion in the town of Redding, Connecticut

Although we are a “small town with a big outdoors” as the Redding Land Trust says, there’s a lot going on here.  


From the opportunity to redevelop the old Gilbert & Bennett Wire Mill site to how Federal ARPA relief funds will be spend, Redding is continuing to decide what we value most.


How are the kids doing, after so much disruption to their learning and socializing? What can they do during school breaks and over the summer? 


Hundreds of new families have moved to Redding in the past few years. How do we welcome, inform and engage them? 


More political groups and factions are cropping up in town. How do they overlap, or don’t they overlap? What are their concerns?  


And there’s the ongoing, everyday ebb and flow of the work of town government, boards and commissions, non-profits and volunteer organizations.   


Our goal is to inform, to the extent possible without drama. We’ll let people in on the workings of organizations in town and suggest how to get involved. Our letters page will be open to all. 


Our newspaper is an anomaly in this digital age. Why did we decide to start a print newspaper in our small Connecticut town? Print is different. It slows you down, focuses the mind. In the Redding Sentinel, you’ll find news and information about Redding that our editor and reporters think you might want to know. Not the firehose of social media, just the news. Go to the ether for breaking news and exuberant shared interest groups, as we all do. Read the Redding Sentinel to join the whole Redding community. 


“The newspaper ties a region together, helps it make sense of itself, fosters a sense of community, serves as a village square…” – Margaret Sullivan, Ghosting the News   

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The Sentinel welcomes contributors, freelancers and volunteers.

Please e-mail us at to learn more and get involved. 

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Photo by Dana Taylor

Featured in Volume 2/Issue 12, July 27, 2023

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