Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I...?
Renew my subscription?
All subscribers are mailed a renewal reminder and corresponding envelope to submit payment approximately one month ahead of their renewal date.
Your renewal date can be found on the front page (printed above your address) on the top right of each publication you receive.
Credit card payments can be submited online via our Subscribe page at any time.
Check payments (payble to Redding Sentinel Ltd) can be mailed to:
Redding Sentinel Ltd
P.O. Box 1121
Redding Center, CT 06875
If you have any further questions, please e-mail
Find my subscription renewal date?
Your renewal date can be found on the front page (printed above your address) on the left side below the fold of each publication you receive.
You may also e-mail at any time to confirm.
Change my address?
If you are a current subscriber and need to update your address, either temporarily or permanently, please e-mail to notify us of your new delivery address.
Report a missed issue?
If for any reason you do not receive your copy of Redding Sentinel on any publication date, please e-mail or call 203.938.3800.
Receive the digital edition?
Only current subscribers are eligible to receive the digital PDF edition, sent via e-mail on publication days. If you are a subscriber and have not been receiving the digital edition link, please e-mail so we can verify or update your email.
Submit a story idea?
Redding Sentinel invites readers to submit story ideas they would like to see covered by the paper (or would like to write themselves!) at any time. To submit your story idea, please e-mail and let us know whether or not you are also willing to be interviewed for the story.
Submit an opinion piece?
Redding Sentinel invites readers to share their views and opinions for potential publication at any time. To submit your opinion piece, please e-mail and provide your full name along with any descriptor you would like published along with your byline. (e.g. John Doe is a Redding resident and founder of Cybersecurity Solutions)
Submit a letter to the editor?
Redding Sentinel invites readers to share a letter to the editor for potential publication at any time. To submit your letter to the editor, please e-mail and provide your full name and street name.
Submit a photo?
Redding Sentinel invites readers to submit original photographs to be featured in the paper at any time. To submit your original photo, please e-mail and provide your full name, street name and a short description of the photo.
Photos submitted must be high res PDF or JPEG. Cover photo submissions must be in horizonal or landscape format.
Donate to Redding Sentinel?
While Redding Sentinel is not a non-profit organization, we are happy to accept gifts of support in any amount.
Credit card donations can be submitted online via our Subscribe page.
Check donations (payable to Redding Sentinel Ltd) can be mailed to:
Redding Sentinel Ltd
P.O. Box 1211
Redding Center, CT 06875
If you have further questions, please e-mail
Learn about internship opportunities?
Internship opportunities are available with the paper year round. To learn more about open positions, please e-mail